Thursday, September 17, 2009

Question 11

11. How do you think these two types of groupings affect student motivation?

Question 12

12. How do they affect student behavior?

Question 13

13. How do they affect student achievement?

Question 14

14. How have your beliefs, perceptions, and instructional methods changed as a direct result of your experiences teaching in mixed-ability academies?

Question 15

15. Do you have any other considerations for measuring the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the mixed-ability academy structure?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Question 6

6. What do you feel are the advantages of standard and advanced classes?

Question 7

7. What do you feel are the disadvantages of standard and advanced classes?

Question 8

8. What do you feel are the advantages of the mixed-ability academy structure?

Question 9

9. What do you feel are the disadvantages of the mixed-ability academy structure?

Question 10

10. Which structure do you think best serves the needs of the majority of students and why?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Question 1

1. How many years have you taught standard and/or advanced classes?

Question 2

2. How many years have you taught in mixed-ability academies?

Question 3

3. Are you currently teaching part of your day in the academy structure? If not, how many years has it been since you taught in this structure?

Question 4

4. In your opinion, what is the ultimate goal of education?

Question 5

5. What role do educators have in building a strong community and society?

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Dear Colleagues,

Thank you so much for agreeing to help me. I know that you could have said "No," and I know that you don't really have time for this, but thank you for helping me out on my research. I will post a series of 15 questions over the next several days. Once everyone has responded to the first 5 questions, then I will post the second set and then the final set.

It's very important that everyone respond as fully as possible because if I end up with too little qualitative data to analyze, I'll have to go back to the drawing board--so please be as verbose as possible!

You should respond to each question by clicking on the title (Question 1 etc.) and then posting your response as a comment. It is very helpful to me if you reflect on your own experiences as well as those posted by your colleagues and then write as much as possible. I will post the first five questions after I hear from everyone and know that you have accepted my invitation. You will have to set up a Google account if you don't have one. Please just use your first name as your display name. It may be easier for some of you to compose your response in a word document and then paste it into the comment box. This will keep you from losing anything if the comment doesn't post for some reason.

Thanks again,