Thursday, September 17, 2009

Question 15

15. Do you have any other considerations for measuring the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the mixed-ability academy structure?


  1. I think you have to have teachers who are willing to fail and reflect. If the teachers are not willing to work closely together and share ideas and help one another, I do not think it will be as successful as it can be. I happen to work with my two best friends, and we became that way because of the academy classes, but I couldn't do it without them. We share ideas, data, strategies,and motivate each other. We can bounce ideas off each other and we are there just to listen. I am not sure our academy classes would work as well as they do if we did not have that.

  2. One factor that could be objectively measured is student drop-out rate for these classes. While in academy classes, I feel that student drop-out rate has decreased. Other issues could play a role in this factor, but I believe that the mixed-ability academies have improved student achievement, engagement, and motivation to the point that very few choose to drop out while enrolled in a mixed-ability grouping.
    An effective academy needs to allow the teachers involved to communicate, communicate, communicate!! This is the most helpful thing that our academy teachers do for each other and for our students. This classroom atmosphere is challenging and teachers need to spend time discussing successes, failures, possibilities, and problems. Our academy teachers are very close friends and we probably wouldn’t be as effective if that were not the case.

  3. Some other factors to consider:
    1. The teaching team. In an academy setting, it is much more important that the teachers are truly a team. In the academy, teachers have to be able to work together. They have to instruct and facilitate learning. It is different than just teaching.
    2. It is important that the students understand what is expected of them in the academy. It is a different learning environment than standard/advanced classes.
    3. Along with this is the need for communication. Communication with the other faculty, the students, the parents, and the administration is important and necessary to keep academics, behavior and environment stable and challenging.


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