Saturday, September 5, 2009


Dear Colleagues,

Thank you so much for agreeing to help me. I know that you could have said "No," and I know that you don't really have time for this, but thank you for helping me out on my research. I will post a series of 15 questions over the next several days. Once everyone has responded to the first 5 questions, then I will post the second set and then the final set.

It's very important that everyone respond as fully as possible because if I end up with too little qualitative data to analyze, I'll have to go back to the drawing board--so please be as verbose as possible!

You should respond to each question by clicking on the title (Question 1 etc.) and then posting your response as a comment. It is very helpful to me if you reflect on your own experiences as well as those posted by your colleagues and then write as much as possible. I will post the first five questions after I hear from everyone and know that you have accepted my invitation. You will have to set up a Google account if you don't have one. Please just use your first name as your display name. It may be easier for some of you to compose your response in a word document and then paste it into the comment box. This will keep you from losing anything if the comment doesn't post for some reason.

Thanks again,

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